Consider what your shop rate is along with the cost of lost productivity time. Now, by everyone knowing exactly what the machines are doing at all times, through machine monitoring, and by receiving proactive notifications, could you increase machine uptime by 30 minutes a month per machine? (easily!) Increasing machine utilization by roughly 30 minutes per machine will cover the cost of the software.

Scytec DataXchange is much more than a machine monitoring system.  If used to it’s fullest, DataXchange is a communication system.  The shop floor equipment communicates machine status, alarms, and sensor data automatically, the personnel communicate through the Operator Data Interface, the software communicates through dashboards and notifications, allowing management to communicating back to shop floor personnel. 

How about the gains of knowing when machines are running at a lower feed rate override, or sitting in a program stop or feed hold? It’s easy to see how the software typically pays for itself within the first few days of each month.

If you’re not using a system such as this you simply are not as efficient as you could be.  Moving forward, you’re just not going to be able to pass those inefficiencies onto your customers.  Machine monitoring helps identify items such as potential machine problems, operator training issues, process or procedure inefficiencies.  All of these will result in more throughput, better quality, happier customers, and therefore a better bottom line. 


• Configurable rules when working with the data
• Powerful, yet simple operator data interface
• Configurable dashboards
• Month-to-month subscriptions
• On premise deployments
• Ability to move from the Cloud to on-premise