August 3, 2020

First of all, we hope everyone is safe and you are doing well during these challenging times for us all.  Our team has been diligently working both in the office and remotely to provide a feature rich update for our August release. The ODI screen has some exciting new features which will…

April 27, 2020

Scytec DataXchange machine monitoring platform will be receiving an update during the week of April 27th.  This release is mostly a maintenance release to update the version of some of the components used by DataXchange.  However, we were able to get in a few features and correct a few bugs….

March 30, 2020

The Scytec DataXchange machine monitoring Spring update is a maintenance release to add a few small features and to correct a few defects.  We’ve increase the size of the data that can be collected with custom variables, extended the OPC UA functionality to work with additional OPC UA servers, and…

February 10, 2020

This Scytec DataXchange machine monitoring update we’ve added a new Source into DataXchange.  DataXchange can now read directly from the Haas NGC controls over a wired or wireless Ethernet connection, without any additional hardware.  Data items include running or not running, feed rate and spindle overrides, alarm information, the program…

January 10, 2020

A highlight of the Scytec DataXchange machine monitoring update includes a new RTV View showing alarm information which can be used for MTConnect, Fanuc FOCAS, and OPC-UA based machines. The Equipment Status Summary can now be run in weekly increments, and permissions have been expanded to provide more granular control….