Reporting Update
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Reporting Update

The custom reports, charts and dashboard in Scytec DataXchange is a leading feature of the software. DataXchange reporting contains a variety of Utilization, OEE and IIoT reports and charts to help reduce machine downtime and increase overall equipment effectiveness. Types of custom reports include: Equipment Status Summaries OEE Summaries Downtime Pareto Scrap…

How to Calculate Utilization for Overhead Conveyors
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How to Calculate Utilization for Overhead Conveyors

In the past calculating utilization for stations such as paint booths or powder coating lines that use overhead conveyors wasn’t very accurate.  A rudimentary method was simply to monitor whether the conveyor was moving.  However, this did not consider multiple factors including whether any parts were actually present on the conveyor.  An…

How to Improve the Quality of Manufacturing Data Collection

How to Improve the Quality of Manufacturing Data Collection

Good data is the key to improving manufacturing performance and cutting costs. With good data you can maximize bottleneck utilization, measure OEE accurately, use resources more efficiently and find and reduce waste. The challenge is, how do you capture that good data? Here we’ll explore the importance of manufacturing data collection, the…